Student Volunteer Opportunity: Wildside

The One Center for Leadership 901 Tuscarawas St. E., Canton, Ohio

Our High School CAST Leaders will be volunteering for a whole week at Wildeside (a summer camp designed for students to meet Jesus). While at Wildside our High School leaders […]

High School CAST @ The 708

708 Center 708 Tremont Ave. SW, Massillion, OH, United States

An opportunity for High School students from all high schools to hang out, have snacks, play games and sign up for upcoming volunteer opportunities.

High School CAST Meeting @ One Center

The One Center for Leadership 901 Tuscarawas St. E., Canton, Ohio

An opportunity for High School students from all high schools to hang out, have snacks, play games and sign up for upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Volunteer Opportunity: Habitat ReStore

Habitat ReStore

#CASTkids are volunteering at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore 10am-12pm. Please use the link to sign up to serve:

High School CAST Meeting @ The 708

708 Center 708 Tremont Ave. SW, Massillion, OH, United States

An opportunity for High School students from all high schools to hang out, have snacks, play games and sign up for upcoming volunteer opportunities.

High School CAST @ The One Center

The One Center for Leadership 901 Tuscarawas St. E., Canton, Ohio

An opportunity for High School students from all high schools to hang out, have snacks, play games and sign up for upcoming volunteer opportunities.

High School CAST @ The 708

708 Center 708 Tremont Ave. SW, Massillion, OH, United States

An opportunity for High School students from all high schools to hang out, have snacks, play games and sign up for upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Volunteer Opportunity-Whispering Grace Horses

Whispering Grace Horses 12882 Kimmens Rd SW, Massillion, OH, United States

Please email Taylor @ to sign up to serve alongside our #CASTkids.

Volunteer Opportunity: PROMise Shop

Please email Taylor @ to sign up to serve alongside our #CASTkids & receive the locations address.